Girls Next Door now hosts House Parties and soon such events as Private Parties, Meetups and Contest. This will all be coming soon so stay tuned.
Prostitution laws prohibit anyone from providing or offering to provide sexual conduct in exchange for money or any other form of compensation. They also punish those who offer sex for money (that is, solicit) or who purchase any sexual service. These laws are not confined to people who directly participate in the proscribed sexual activity; they also penalize those who arrange or benefit financially from prostitution arrangements.
House Parties are events that take place at the content/camhouses where you can come party with Thee Girls Next Door. There will be Members Only Parties as well as VIP Parties. Females always get in and drink free!!
Private Parties will be private events such as bachelor parties, poker parties, or Super Bowl parties hosted by the customer who can hire girls to entertain your guest at the party in the form of Topless Waitress, Strippers and Entertainers.
Model Meetups are pretty self explanatory. Want to hang out with your favorite model for a cup of coffee? How about take her to a movie or a romantic dinner? You will have the chance to treat these girls the way they deserve to be treated.
Contests are a fun and interactive way such as raffles and auctions for members to earn things that not everyone will have the opportunity to. Anywhere from free credits to items to a Fuck-A-Fan contest where a member could win a chance to create content with one of our gorgeous models at the studio.